A Style GrayBox Enclosures - Family & Sizes

A Style GrayBox Enclosures

Family & Sizes


GrayBox Enclosures accommodate your growing product line by providing a comprehensive family of enclosures with complementary appearance and construction across all styles (B, P, and A). The A Style, suitable only for rack mounting, is available in both standard and nonstandard sizes. There are 18 standard sizes in stock - all available in a clear anodize/platinum vinyl or a black anodize/black vinyl finish. Nonstandard sizes are made to order.

Your first GrayBox will demonstrate how accommodating its design can be, how simply and quickly one can go from prototype to production, and how much it can enhance the presentation of your product. And as you add new products to your line, the look you've already established can be maintained (both within and across styles), minimizing the need for additional development costs, and building on the equity of your earlier product.


The entire GrayBox family (consisting of B, P, and A Styles) is available in 81 standard sizes defined by the height, width, and depth combinations displayed below. The A Style is available in the 18 sizes indicated - two heights (one and two standard rack units), one width (full rack), and nine depths. Widths and depths other than these are made to order with 2-3 week delivery.

   Look at Details:

  A Style Features
  Family & Sizes
      Details & Options
      Rack Panels

  A Style Accessories

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