Each E Style MicroPak Enclosure has multiple sets of tracks for mounting printed circuit boards. These tracks provide an efficient and secure way to hold your boards during assembly and testing and in the completed instrument.
If you have the flexibility to design to MicroPak standards, you will achieve significant cost effectiveness both in terms of enclosure cost and assembly cost. The recommended board widths are 2.51 in (63.8 mm), 3.94 in (100 mm Eurocard standard), 5.28 in (134.1 mm). The recommended length is the same length as the cover and base.
Shorter boards may be secured by fastening to a single standoff located near one end of the board (being sure that no components are located in such a way as to impede the board from being slid into place). The same technique can be used to electrically ground a board to the base.
Narrower boards can be mounted to either the extruded base or the slide-in panel via standoffs. If board-mounted components must extrude through the panel, the PCB should be mounted to the panel.
Look at Details:
E Style Features
Family & Sizes
Base & Cover
End Configurations
*PCB Mounting
E Style Accessories
Rack Mount Panels
Street Address -705 Willow Ave, Ithaca, NY 14850
Mailing Address - PO Box 730, Ithaca, NY 14851-0730
Main: (607) 272-3265
Toll Free: (800) 847-3535
Fax: (607) 277-1953
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